Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the list below to get an insight on some of our most frequently asked questions. If your concern is not on the list feel free to stop by our office for more information on off campus life!
There are multiple staff members to advocate for off-campus student concerns and assist in reducing the challenges that off-campus students may face.
The full-time staff members stay in touch with the needs and the difficulties that off-campus students are confronted with when attending The University of Akron. The full-time staff member offices can be found on the first floor in Simmons Hall, just ask at the ZipAssist front desk. You may also contact UA Off-Campus Living at 330-972-7272 or email
The fastest and easiest way to request a student parking permit is online. To do this, you must login to MyAkron.
Under the "My Experience" tab, click "Parking". Then, select the correct student title (resident, commuter, or graduate). This will take you to the correct application to fill out for your parknig permit. Fill in all fields, and click save.
After you request a permit, you should receive the permit at your mailing address about a week before the semester begins. You will only be able to add a permit to your student account until the deadline for that semester. This deadline will generally be about three weeks prior to the start of classes, but the specific date will be published on Parking Services' home page. After this deadline you will have to go to the Parking Office and pick up your permit in person. For more information, visit
Here is the link for the Fall and Spring Roo Express Routes:
Here is the link for the Summer Roo Express Routes:
If you have questions on whether class and activities are being held during harsh weather, call 330-972-SNOW. This line will give you the information needed in regards to making your commute to campus.
Z-Alert is another way to stay informed about weather and campus updates. Text messages are sent when a situation or weather conditions immediately affect safety. Students are automatically enrolled, but check out this site to be sure.
You can use your Zipcard to:
- Check out circulation materials at Bierce and the Law Libraries.
- Gain access to the Student Recreation and Wellness Center and the Ocasek Natatorium.
- Receive free admission to athletic events including basketball and football games.
- Use as a key card, if authorized, for selected buildings on campus.
- Purchase food at any restaurant on campus and certain off-campus restaurants.
- Purchase convenience items as well as snacks and ready-to-go foods at the convenience stores.
- Purchase books and supplies at the campus bookstores.
- Use in selected vending machines on campus.
The Barnes & Noble Bookstore has two locations, one on the first floor of the Student Union and one on the third floor of the Polsky building. For more information you can visit or call 330-972-7624. The University Bookstore is the primary on-campus location for textbooks and course supplies. Also available is a general selection of books, magazines, Akron apparel, snacks, cards, gifts, and more.
Barnes & Noble Hours (Subject to Seasonal Change)
- Mon - Thurs: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Sat: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Bierce Library is located on Buchtel Commons; it is the main library building on the University's main campus. Bierce Library collects books, periodicals, indexes, computerized databases, and archival and audio-visual materials that support research in the humanities and social sciences. It is a Selective Depository Library for U.S. Government documents. For information, call (330) 972-7234 or visit their website at
The Student Union has various comfortable areas to study on its three floors, plus there is Starbucks. Also, academic buildings have various lounges set aside for students. Some colleges/departments may also have computers for students in their programs.
Simmons Hall Lobby also has a large quiet space for students to study and utilize a bank of computers.
The University of Akron has partnered with OhioRideShare to help students with these needs. For more information, please visit their website at
If you cannot find a particular building you are looking for, link to the campus map and get the precise location,
For campus-wide events, visit The University of Akron calendar at or check your e-mail for the weekly zipmail email. Both resources are consistent ways to learn more about what is happening on campus.
Certificate of mailing shows evidence that you sent the item when you say you did. This official record shows the date your mail was accepted. Certificates of mailing furnish evidence of mailing only.
Certified mail requires the signature of the recipient. Find out when your item was delivered or delivery was attempted.
For more information on Off-Campus Living, please contact UA Off-Campus Living at 330-972-7272 or email